Why Choose Custom Window Treatments Over Ready-Made?

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When making decorating decisions about your home, at some point you will be making choices regarding your window treatments. The first decision is whether to go for ready-made or to invest in custom-designed treatments that will meet all of your aesthetic needs. There are many factors to consider when making this choice.


It is no secret that ready-made window treatments will be less expensive than custom-made selections created by a design professional. But as with most things in life, you truly get what you pay for. So while selecting store-brand window treatments is an adequate option for a college student’s apartment or other transitional living situation, when you are decorating your dream home, it’s important to select the highest quality window treatment that you can afford to complete the elegant appeal.

The Perfect Fit

An older home you’re renovating or a newly designed model may have atypically-sized windows that are larger or smaller than most, making ready-made treatments the wrong fit. As windows are natural focal points of rooms, you want to make sure that valences, curtains, drapes, shades, and blinds are all the exact length and width for each window. To hang something even just a bit off-kilter will cheapen the look of the room’s décor.

So Many Choices

Buying ready-made limits you to what is available on the store shelves and guarantees that others out there have identical window treatments in their homes. But once you have decided to upgrade to custom, the possibilities are almost limitless. Colors, fabrics, and styles can be chosen that reflect your unique interior design and evoke the specific atmosphere you desire for each room.

Depending on the climate where you live, you may want window treatments that insulate your rooms from the cold or for protection from the penetrating rays of the sun that can fade colors and damage fabrics. You may want to choose a window treatment for a bedroom of a day sleeper that effectively eliminates light feathering in that can wreak havoc on sleep patterns. Choosing custom designs allows you to specially order blackout blinds or curtains that meet that criteria.

Quality Detailing

Custom designs can reflect fine, hand-finished details like tassels, cording, and trim that add an elegant touch of quality to your window treatments. You can also work with your designer to create architectural illusions that add depth and make a window appear larger with strategic design choices.

Every inch of your home should reflect your distinctive décor. Investing in custom window treatments completes your rooms and presents a sophisticated finishing touch.

Call us today for an in-home consultation to discuss the possibilities.

Free Shop-At-Home Consultation

Our Free in-home consultation provides you with the ability to see various fabrics and colors in your environment.

Nancy works directly with you to design, measure, and professionally install the perfect window treatments for your home or office.

You never have to leave the comfort of your own home or office, we come to you!

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